Friday, August 30, 2019


 Welcome to Mr. Gentile's 7th Grade Social Studies Blog ! 
 (an experiment in record keeping)

There was a time when I could run a marathon in under 4 hours and there was a time when I could still fit into my letterman's jacket from Waldport High School.

There was a time when I didn't care how much I ate and a time when diet was a dirty word.

There was a time when I could read every comic book that Marvel and DC published in a month.

And there was a time when I was pretty tech savvy.

Some things you never get back. However, we're going to see if I can continue putting the tech saavy back into my life...and maintain this 7th Grade Social Studies blog.


This blog will be a record of Gentile's 7th Grade Social Studies work and assignments for students and parents...Wait.  Not work for parents.  I meant a record of work and assignments in Gentile's 7th Grade Social Studies, which students can use and parents can peruse. There. That's what I meant to say.

Students who are absent should be able to see what they missed and what make up work they should complete. Parents should be able to check in to see what work their students are facing at the moment, as well as use information from this blog to support their students at home.

PLEASE NOTE: Mr. Gentile is NOT teaching 7th Grade ELA this year.

Mr. Gentile is NOT TEACHING 7th Grade ELA this year.